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How To Remove Pimples And Pimple Marks Naturally At Home With Home Remedies

How To Get Rid Of Pimples And Pimple Marks Naturally At Home

Pimples take a few days to disappear depending on your diet and lifestyle . What you eat has a huge impact on your skin, so eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Drink min 8 glasses of water every day. If you want to clear your skin from outside and protect it from further damage then keep washing your face everytime you come from outside, once you wake up and before you go to sleep with the face wash that suits your skin type. 

In addition to all the factors mentioned above, an hormonal issue can not only trigger pimples but also pigmentation. If you don’t have regular periods, weight gain, unwanted hair, hair loss in addition to the pimples, it is advisable to fix an appointment with your doctor.

Sometimes it depends on our skin type whether there will be marks or not. There is one thing if you scratch your pimples, or expose too much in sun, they Will leave marks. So as a thumb rule please don't fiddle with your pimples. use sunblock/sunscreen 🧴 always.Those black marks will fade with time. 

Here are some methods which you can follow if you want to reduce pimples from your face : 

  1. Apply around 2-3 ice cubes one by one on your face. after one hour, repeat the step if you have a lot of pimples; else every 2 hours fine
  2. Apply Fresh coconut water on the pimples with a cotton balls Atleast 5 times a day. Trust me this also removes any Black Spots from your face
  3. Apply gram flour/besan face pack once in a week
  4. Drinking warm water is very beneficial for our health. It is advisable to drink warm water just before going to bed at night and as soon as you wake up in the morning with empty stomach in the morning)
  5. Wear sunscreen all the time. Never expose your skin to heat/sun without wearing a sunscreen. 
  6. Stop the habit of touching your face frequently. Most of us have the habit of touching our faces quite often. The main key to have a Clean and clear skin is to keep it clean always. 
  7. It sounds strange but good skin has a direct connection with your sleep. Not getting enough sleep may Lead to break out more often. Lack of sleep cause the body to release inflammatory compounds. These compounds could cause the skin to break out or worsen your acne so it is recommended to have atleast 8 hours of sleep everyday.

Apart from all above you can also try the below facepack for better result :

Face Pack

In a clear bowl Mix:

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera Gel 
  2. Take 1 tablespoon Honey 🍯 
  3. Add Rosewater As per the requirement to make a smooth paste
  4. Add 2 Vitamin E Capsules
  5. Mix all of them well & then apply a thick paste of this mixture to your face. 
  6. Leave it for about 1 hour and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

Make sure you don’t use any face-wash/soap for atleast 12 hours.


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  2. Nice blog about remove pimples and pimple marks. Keep sharing! Visit our blog to learn about how to achieve beauty naturally!


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