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Loose Weight Naturally At Home 100% Effective Method (Part 1)


  • Take Dry ginger and powder it by grinding it in Mortor and Pestle
  • Take 1 tablespoon of Nigella Seeds/Kalonji/Black seeds grinde it in Mortor and Pestle for better result
  • Boil a glass of water
  • Once the water starts to heat Add 1 spoon of Dry Ginger powder and then Add Nigella Seeds/Kalonji/Black seeds powder
  • Then Add a pinch of organic turmeric powder
  • Do not boil the Mixture too much as we don’t want ruin the properties of the ingredients used
  • Strain it in the glass container 
  • Add half a Lemon juice to it
  • Add 1 Teaspoon of Raw Honey 🍯 
  • Drink this Mixture while it’s Hot/Warm for effective result

Note : Drink this Mixture after your Dinner and before going to sleep. It helps digesting food and prevents to store fat in our belly.


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